Long live Saisons Zéro!
To achieve the goal for this temporary occupation, we rely on donations, salvaged materials and financial support. One man's trash is another man's treasure.
Saisons Zéro is a collective experiment.
As the new residents of the convent of the Poor Clares, the members of the non-profit Zerm are looking
for ways to reach acceptable standards of living in vast, non-insulated rooms, while preserving their
historical integrity and generating as little impact as possible as days and seasons go by.
One of the more crucial objectives of this project is also to open the site, its alleys and gardens – originally
designed for a cloistered existence – to the public. Soon, a workshop, offices, a hostel and a
snack bar will all be open to the public, as well as a varied programme of events.
Find out more about the project here.
To help us complete our projects, we are always looking for donations of materials such as fabrics, tarps, insulation materials, timber, drywalls, equipment, etc.
At Saisons Zéro, your rubbish might prove useful! Become a partner and take part in building this self-managed project, which explores topics such as the circular economy, zero-waste and reusing materials.
Feel free to e-mail contact@saisonszero.fr if you would like to help.